Full Mouth Dental Implants Turkey Package Deals: Full Set Implants Cost

We offer full set of dental implants treatment to our patients who apply to our clinic in Antalya, Turkey, for edentulousness in their upper and lower jaws, according to the adequacy of their jawbones. In addition, according to different implant preferences and needs of people, we have different full mouth dental implants package deals & price in Turkey. Therefore, one of the most frequently asked questions from our patients is “how much does a full set of teeth implants cost in Turkey?” However, as we said, the factors affecting the cost and package deals of full mouth dental implants in Turkey are the choice of implant and the special circumstances of the person’s operation.

As Adalya Dental Clinic Turkey, we offer full mouth dental implants package deals to our patients with high standards of treatment and holiday service in Turkey, Antalya. In addition, the cost and prices of full mouth dental implants in Antalya, Turkey are very affordable and competitive compared to other countries. Thanks to our expert Turkey dentist staff, we can provide extremely successful treatment results in full set of dental implants treatments in Antalya, Turkey.


Full Mouth Dental Implants Surgery in Turkey

In our clinic located in Antalya, Turkey, we apply a minimum of 8-6 implants to the upper jaw and a minimum of 6 implants to the lower jaw in full mouth dental implants treatments. So, the minimum number of full mouth dental implant treatments is 12 or 14.

Full set of dental implant treatment is a premium treatment. However, it provides great comfort to the patient and an increase in the standard of living. Therefore, the package deals and cost of full mouth dental implants in Turkey are a little high due to the high number of implants.

full mouth dental implants turkey package deals full set of cost

We tell our patients who apply to us for a few missing teeth or for full set of dental implants in Turkey, to use antibiotics when necessary 3 days before coming to Turkey. Because in some cases, there may be infection in the teeth that need to be extracted, even if it is small scale. Therefore, with the use of antibiotics, we ensure that our patient has a more comfortable implant operation and post-operative period.

When our patients come to our clinic in Antalya, Turkey for full set of dental implants, we first perform a detailed examination with panoramic x-ray and oral examination. Then, our doctors create a treatment plan based on panoramic x-ray and examination. Afterwards, we perform the implant surgery process.


For the treatment of multiple missing teeth and full mouth dental implants, you need to stay in Turkey for 4 or 5 nights.

Package Price:

Our full mouth dental implants Turkey package deals are in the price range of £5600-£9000 in our clinic located in Antalya.


Thanks to our good quality implant brands and doctor quality in Turkey, we provide a lifetime warranty for implants and 10 years for the crowns.

The Most Important Process of Full Mouth Teeth Implants

The real important process starts after the full mouth dental implants surgery in Turkey. Because this process is a process that directly affects the success of the operation. Our patients should use the drugs we give very carefully during this process. In addition, our patients should pay attention to the use of antibiotics at the same times twice a day. It is also important to use painkillers.

In addition, mouthwash is a very important issue. We tell our patients not to eat or drink anything for 1 hour after gargling. Because we want to use the antiseptic feature of mouthwash. The mouthwash contains chlorhexidine gluconate. Chlorhexidine gluconate substance prevents bacteria that cause gum disease in the mouth. Therefore, it is very important to use mouthwash during this period.

However, mouthwash is only 5% of oral hygiene. 95% of the cleaning of the mouth is mechanical cleaning. I mean, brushing your teeth.

So why are we waiting for a while for fixed teeth on implants?

In Turkey, there are waiting periods of 2-4 months both after full mouth dental implants treatment and in the treatment of a few missing teeth. We consider this process as the most important process of implant treatments. Because this process is a process that includes the fusion of the implant to the jawbone and affects the success of the treatment.

In fact, although the dental implant is a very advanced screw system, the attachment mechanism of the implant to the bone is different from the attachment mechanism of a normal screw to wood. Therefore, the dental implant does not stay in the jaw by being supported by the friction force.

What’s Next

After we put the implant in the jawbone, osteoblast cells “bone-forming cells” begin to surround the implant. Therefore, new bone tissue is formed around the implant. As a result, a bone connection occurs with the implant, which we call a micro-mechanical connection. In other words, the implant and the bone are fused together. We also call this “Osteo-Integration”.

We wait for new bone formation around the implant In this waiting and healing period.

After this period of osteo-integration, let’s say we wanted to remove the implant. In normal screw understanding, you can remove it by reversing a screw. However, we cannot remove the implant by reversing it. Because the implant and the bone are integrated. Therefore, in order to remove that implant, we need to cut and remove the healthy bone tissue around the implant.

So, dental implant planning is one of the most important stages. Placing the implant at the right angle and making the right number of implants are among the most important issues.


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Full Mouth Dental Implants Turkey Package Deals

Our full mouth dental implants package deals in Turkey offer different price options with different systems. Therefore, you can learn all the details directly by contacting our expert team about the system you think is most suitable for you.

Type of Dental ImplantsPackage Price in £Package Price in €Package Price in $
All on 4 ImplantsFrom £5600From €6600From $7240
All on 5 ImplantsFrom £6400From €7500From $8600
All on 6 ImplantsFrom £7200From €8400From $9240
Full Mouth ImplantsFrom £7200From €8400From $9240

Hotel, flights, VIP transfers, temporary teeth, tooth extractions, panoramic x-rays and all medications are included in our package prices.

Our Package Deals


  • 8 Implants
  • 24 Porcelain Teeth
  • Hotel – Flights – Transfers
  • Temporary Teeth
  • Tooth Extractions
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  • 12 Implants
  • 24 Porcelain Teeth
  • Hotel – Flights – Transfers
  • Temporary Teeth
  • Tooth Extractions
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  • 8 Implants
  • 24 Zirconia Teeth
  • Hotel – Flights – Transfers
  • Temporary Teeth
  • Tooth Extractions
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  • 12 Implants
  • 24 Zirconia Teeth
  • Hotel – Flights – Transfers
  • Temporary Teeth
  • Tooth Extractions
Book Now

Our these full mouth dental implant package prices are valid for Straumann Neodent and Osstem tooth implant brands. If you choose other implant brands, prices will vary.

Full Mouth Dental Implants Price in Turkey For First Visit

Our full mouth dental implants Turkey price start from £3200 in Antalya. However, this price is only the price our patients pay for the implant root cost at their first visit.

If we apply 12 dental implants, our full mouth dental implants Turkey package deals range from £4200 to £7800 for first visit.

However, if we apply 14 implants, our full mouth dental implants Turkey package deals will vary between £4900 and £9100 depending on the brand difference for first visit.

Additionally, cost of dental extraction is included in the price of full mouth dental implants in Turkey.

Full Mouth Dental Implants Turkey Price For Second Visit

Our patients come back to Turkey for their permanent teeth after a minimum 3-month recovery period. At this stage, our patients have 2 material options for their permanent teeth. (Porcelain or Zirconia) However, the prices of both materials are different.

The second stage price of full mouth dental implants in Turkey varies between £2400£4900. Because material preference and total number of teeth (24 or 28) affect the total price.

Factors Affecting Full Mouth Implant Price in Turkey

There are 3 factors that determine the full mouth dental implant package deals of our clinic in Antalya, Turkey. The first of these is the number of implants. Second one is the brand of the implant. Finally, the bone graft or sinus lift procedures that we will apply during the operation affect our full mouth dental implant package deals in Turkey.

We can apply a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 14-16 implants from full set of dental implants treatments in Turkey. Therefore, our full mouth dental implants package deals and price in Turkey will decrease or increase according to the number of implants. In addition, the implant brand you choose will increase and decrease our full mouth dental implants package deals and cost in Turkey.

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Why Are The Package Deals and Price of Full Mouth Dental Implants Different in Turkey?

There are important factors affecting full mouth dental implants Turkey package deals and prices. These are:

Reason 1

The price and packages of full set of dental implants in Turkey are different primarily due to the different materials used. Each company has different research and development budgets, different profit margins, different profit policies.

Reason 2

In addition, factors such as taxation at the production sites, customs conditions, stock costs, dealer profits, payment conditions at the time of purchase can affect the cost and package deals of full mouth dental implants in Turkey.

Reason 3

Other important factors affecting the cost (price) and package deals of full mouth dental implants in Turkey are clinic and physician expenses. Undoubtedly, there may be different rental payments in each province and region. In addition, each clinic uses different instruments and equipment, and each physician has different experiences. Also, the application of implants with state-of-the-art equipments will cause differences in costs.

Importance of Avoiding Very Cheap Prices

You can find teeth implants that you have made for lifetime use at cheap prices. However, in the future, when you have problems with those implants, the cost of the teeth implants you think you have made cheaply will increase many times over. Therefore, for your tooth implant treatment in Turkey, you should choose clinics that are comfortable, reassuring, clean and equipped with modern equipment.

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Full Mouth Dental Implants Treatment Details in Turkey

There are issues that patients who are considering coming to Turkey for full oral dental implant treatment should obtain information about the pre- and post-treatment process before coming to our country. We will detail these issues under several headings.

How Many Days Should You Stay in Turkey For Full Mouth Dental Implants?

Our patients who want to have full set of dental implants treatment in Turkey should stay in Antalya for 4 or 5 nights. This 4 or 5 night stay is included in our full mouth dental implants Turkey package deals price.

Our patients rest in their hotels after implant operations. We invite our patients to rehearsal to apply temporary palate prosthesis or teeth in a few days. Then, we give our patients temporary prostheses that we have prepared based on the measurements we have taken.

How Many Times Should You Visit Turkey for Full Mouth Dental Implants?

Our patients should come to Antalya, Turkey 2 times for full set of dental implants treatments. Because in the first stage, we apply the implants. Then, we wait for the implants to fuse to the jawbone, which can take 3-4 months. After this waiting period, our patients come back to our clinic. Finally, we apply fixed porcelain teeth to our patients.

Our patients should stay for 5 or 7 days in Antalya, Turkey for full set of dental implants treatment on their 2nd visit. In addition, accommodation in the 2nd visit is also included in our full mouth dental implants Turkey package deals and price.

What To Do After Full Set of Dental Implants Operation?

In our clinic in Turkey, Antalya we explain in detail what our patients should and should not do after full mouth dental implants operations or implant operations for a few missing teeth.

So what are these:

  • Not applying biting forces on the implants: Only mashed foods (Mashed rice, potatoes)
  • Using antibiotics: 5 days after surgery
  • Painkiller use: First 2 days after surgery
  • Use of mouthwash: For a week
  • Ice application: in our clinic for half an hour at intervals of 5 minutes
  • Avoiding hot foods and beverages
  • Avoiding grainy foods
  • Using a high pillow


Why Choose Us?

As Adalya Dental Clinic, our aim is to provide our patients with aesthetic dental appearances with permanent treatment solutions in dental implants and veneer teeth in Turkey. For this reason, we work without compromising the quality of our materials and doctors.

In this way, we are one of the most preferred clinics in full mouth dental implant treatments in Turkey. You can find the best quality implant options in our full mouth dental implant Turkey package deals & price in Antalya and experience a premium dental holiday.

We have been working with the best laboratary in Antalya, Turkey. In this way we can provide very aesthetic and permanent results.

Our full mouth dental implant surgeries are performed by our expert professor Oral and Maxillafacial surgeon in Antalya, Turkey. So, We do not use physicians who are not Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Doctor in implant surgeries.

We work with implant brands that are among the top 5 in the world. (Straumann, Nobel, Osstem, Astra, Medentika) In this way, we provide problem-free and permanent treatment results.

Our dental implants have a lifetime warranty. We also provide a 10-year warranty on Zirconia Crowns.

Our full mouth dental implants turkey package deals & price for your 5-star holiday experience in Antalya, Turkey also include the cost of the Hotel and all VIP transfers.

Alternative Options in Full Mouth Dental Implants in Turkey

Patients with complete edentulousness in their lower or upper palate we have 2 alternative treatments in Turkey to full mouth dental implants. These are Anchored Dentures (Snap-on Dentures) and All on 4 dental implants treatments.

All on 4 Dental Implants

We prefer All on 4 dental implants in Turkey for patients with too much bone loss in molar regions. The implants we apply in this treatment are longer and thicker types of implants. Therefore, they can easily carry the teeth placed on it. In this treatment, we apply fixed teeth on 4 implants to the lower or upper jaw.

We put our patients’ temporary teeth on the same day after the implant operation. In this way, our patients achieve a better aesthetic appearance immediately after the operation. However, the package deals of All on 4 treatment are slightly higher than full mouth dental implants Turkey package deals price. The average cost of all on 4 treatment for a single chin ranges from £3200 to £3600 in Turkey.

Snap On Dentures

Anchored dentures treatment is the only removable prosthesis option alternative to full set of dental implants treatment. However, the feature of these removable prostheses is that they are very robust when fitted. Therefore, they do not come out of the mouth as easily as conventional prostheses.

We apply this treatment to patients who have too much bone loss in their molar regions and especially to our patients who prefer this treatment for financial reasons. The removable prosthesis is attached to 2 or 4 implants with a snap mechanism and adheres to the implants very firmly. The prices of anchored dentures are lower than the price of full mouth dental implants Turkey package deals.

Which Brand of Implants Do We Use?

As Adalya Dental Centre Turkey, we work with world-proven Straumann, Osstem, Nobel Biocare, Dentsply Sirona (Astra Tech) and Medentika (Straumann Group) companies. In addition, all these brands are “FDA” and “CEapproved brands. Moreover, dental implant brands that are not FDA and CE approved are not used by top class dental clinics in Turkey.

Our full mouth dental implants Turkey package deals will also vary according to the brand you prefer. These brands we use are American and European approved brands. Therefore, you can safely choose this brand of implants.