Dentures in Turkey

Prosthetic dental treatments are the department of dentistry that restores the lost teeth and surrounding tissues to the patient. There are many treatment methods for this. One of them is dentures treatment. We successfully apply dentures in Turkey according to the general oral condition of the patients and their wishes, as fixed and mobile.

There are many different types of fixed and removable dentures. Therefore, we decide on the most appropriate type of treatment by conducting a detailed oral examination of our patients. We apply all fixed and removable flexible dentures to our patients successfully with our expert dentist in Turkey and at competitive cost. In addition, the price of dentures is quite affordable in Turkey compared to the UK and Europe.

Getting Dentures in Turkey

We decide according to the needs of our patients which would be more suitable for our patients who want getting dentures in Turkey, fixed and removable prostheses. However, there are many factors here when deciding on the type of dentures we will apply in Turkey. Such as the person’s jawbone structure, general health status, financial strength, personal wishes and suitability for treatment.

dentures in turkey cost

In Turkey, we complete dentures treatments in an average of 7-10 days, depending on the type of treatment. However, when we are going to make fixed dentures such as all on 4 dental implants in Turkey, our patients need to make 2 separate visits to our clinic. After 2-3 months of fusion of dental implants to the jawbone, we can wear permanent porcelain teeth to our patient within 1 week at the second visit.

In addition, we can perform all dentures treatments in Turkey at a very low cost compared to the UK, Europe and North America. With our specialist prosthetic dentist, Dr. Elif Ece Üzel, in Adalya Dental Centre Turkey, we provide extremely successful treatments to our patients.

If our patients coming from abroad send us the necessary oral photographs and panoramic x-rays before the dentures treatments in Turkey, all possible treatment plans, alternatives and costs, after the evaluation of our specialist doctor, will be explained to you in detail.

Removable Dentures in Turkey

There are many treatment methods in dentistry for the treatment of lost teeth and surrounding tissues in the mouth. One of these treatments is removable dentures. Removable dentures are the types of dentures we use in Turkey for the treatment of missing one or more teeth. Our patients can easily remove these prostheses from their mouths whenever they want, as they are movable or removable.

There are many types of these dentures:

  • Total Dentures
  • Traditional Partial Dentures
  • Flexible Dentures
  • Precision Attached Dentures
  • Snap On Dentures

Traditional Partial Dentures in Turkey

Partial dentures are dentures that are attached to the patient’s mouth with the help of hooks and in cases where there is more than one tooth in the patient’s mouth. Today, it is possible to eliminate some of the disadvantages of classical partial dentures with precision-connected partial and flexible dentures. We apply precision connected partial dentures by coating the existing tooth with a special system in Turkey. There is no hook system that engages the teeth. In this way, we can obtain a prosthesis that does not move as much as classical partial dentures.

Total Dentures

The prostheses we call total dentures are the types of prosthesis we apply to the lower and upper jaws in Turkey in our patients who have lost all their teeth. Therefore, our aim is to restore the functions and aesthetic appearance of the lost teeth of the patient.

Snap On Dentures in Turkey

Snap on dentures; It is one of the removable prosthesis types that we apply in Turkey for our patients who do not have any teeth in their mouths. Classical palate prostheses can move very easily in the mouth. Our patients are uncomfortable with the movement of their prostheses so easily while eating, coughing or sneezing. Therefore, snap on dentures are applications that can overcome such problems.

In Which Situations Do We Prefer Snap on Dentures in Turkey?

  • In people who have ankerite prosthesis with too much bone loss in the jawbone and do not want to have an operation for bone formation in the jawbone
  • For our patients who do not want to have too many dental implants due to financial reasons or other reasons.
  • It is a very suitable system for patients with a lot of bone loss in the posterior regions.

How Do We Apply?

We place 2 or 4 implants in the lower jaw in the snap on dentures type. However, we prefer this number of implants to be 4 for the upper jaw. After the implant procedures we apply, the palate prosthesis sits on the implants with a special connection system. Thus, the prosthesis is firmly attached to the implants.

Our patients can easily use these anchored prostheses with the comfort of fixed prosthesis. However, like other mobile dentures, our patients should remove these dentures at night while they sleep. As Adalya Dental Clinic Turkey, we frequently and successfully apply snap on dentures treatment.

Precision Retained Partial Dentures in Turkey For Posterior Teeth Deficiencies

Precision-retained dentures are one of the removable prosthesis treatments that we apply to our patients in Turkey for molar deficiencies in the posterior region.

In Which Situations Do We Prefer?

  • In cases where implant treatment is not appropriate
  • When our patients do not want implant treatment
  • In cases where the systematic condition of our patient is not good, we prefer precision-retained prostheses in Turkey.

How Do We Apply?

When making a precision-retained dentures in Turkey, we first prepare a system to carry this prosthesis. In this, we make 2 special crowns that can be attached to the closest 2 teeth with precision-retained prosthesis. A piece of this coating, in which the sensitive holder can be placed, is prepared during the construction of the coatings. In this way, the prosthesis enters and settles into that part.

Thus, when the prosthesis is placed on that sensitive part, the prosthesis has a single movement. The denture only makes an up and down movement. Therefore, it is not possible for the prosthesis to move to the right and left. Thus, with these removable dentures that we have applied in Turkey, our patients have a fixed prosthesis-quality function and appearance.

Flexible Dentures in Turkey

Flexible dentures are different from traditional acrylic dentures, which are more rigid. It is one of the most commonly used partial dentures in Turkey, which is made of nylon and thinner thermoplastic. Therefore, it is much more flexible and useful than traditional removable prostheses. In this way, patients of all ages prefer these dentures more. However, after a detailed examination by our dentist in Turkey, our dentist will explain in detail which dentures will be suitable for you.

Advantages of Flexible Dentures

Natural Appearance: Flexible dentures are made of transparent material. Therefore, they provide the appearance of the gums more easily. In this way, they provide a better view.

Faster to Produce and Use: Flexible dentures are easier to manufacture than conventional dentures. Therefore, our patients wait for a shorter time to use flexible prostheses.

Low Probability of Breakage: Since these prostheses are made of flexible material, the probability of breakage is lower than traditional prostheses.

Fixed Dentures in Turkey

Fixed dentures are now one of the most preferred types of prosthesis in our dental clinic in Turkey. These are the restorations we make using adjacent teeth or implants in cases where there are several missing teeth in the mouth. However, we can apply implant-supported fixed prostheses to people who have no teeth, as well as for a few missing teeth. Thanks to All on 4 dental implants, we can make highly functional and aesthetic fixed prostheses for our patients.

Fixed prostheses are the prostheses that complete the features such as aesthetics, speech and function that people lose due to tooth deficiencies in the closest way to nature.

How Much Are The Cost of Dentures in Turkey?

The cost of dentures in Turkey vary with the type of prosthesis. The price of total and removable dentures vary between 500-1000 Euros in Turkey. The cost of dentures in Turkey is caused by the difference in the material and system used. However, the cost will increase even more for patients who want to have fixed dentures in Turkey. Because implant operation is required for fixed dentures. Since fixed dentures are more comfortable and their application is more complicated, their cost in Turkey varies between 3000-4000 Euros.

In addition, the price of dentures in Türkiye includes the cost of tooth extraction for all teeth.

Write us for denture prices in Turkey and learn more!

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Alternative Treatments of Traditional Palate Dentures in Turkey

For patients who are not satisfied with the comfort of use of traditional palate dentures, if they have sufficient bone level in their jaw bones, we recommend implant treatments to these patients in Turkey.

All on 4 Dental Implants

All on 4 dental implants system is our most preferred system in Turkey for patients who have no teeth in their mouths and have bone loss in the posterior teeth areas. Thanks to this system, we can make completely fixed porcelain teeth on 4 implants. With the All on 4 dental implants system, patients can have their fixed teeth in their mouths. Therefore, this system provides much more comfort than removable removable prostheses.

Contact us for All on 4 dental implants turkey price and learn all details!

Snap-on Dentures

If there is a situation that allows a smaller number of implants to be applied in the mouth or if the patient prefers this, then snap-on dentures are a very good alternative to conventional removable dentures. The feature of this system is that the denture is attached as firmly as a fixed denture with a special system to the implants. It can be applied with 2 or 4 dental implants according to the lower and upper jaw. In this way, patients can use their teeth in the comfort of a fixed prosthesis.

Full Mouth Dental Implants

Unlike the All on 4 system, if our patients want fixed teeth, we can make dental implants in Turkey in a toothless mouth by applying a minimum of 6 implants to a single jaw. In this way, we can make 12 fixed porcelain teeth with 6 implants on a single jaw. If 8 dental implants can be made, then we can make 14 porcelain teeth in a single jaw.

Full mouth dental implants are one of the most effective methods for tooth loss due to excessive receding gum lines.

Contact us for full mouth dental implants turkey price and learn all details!

How To Clean Dentures?

Dentures should be cleaned with a soft brush and liquid soap at night or when not in use. Staying in a clean water at night ensures that the dentures do not dry out and remain clean. No chemicals should be mixed with the water. However, a cleaning tablet can be used once a week. It is inconvenient to clean the dentures with toothpastes. Because toothpastes are for natural teeth and can scratch dentures. In addition, dentures should be removed after eating and natural teeth should be cleaned with toothpaste.

Can You Sleep in Dentures?

All removable dentures should be removed by our patients at night. Because this is necessary for the rest and nutrition of soft tissues. Removable dentures should remain outside the mouth for at least 8 hours during the day.